Spiral Of Silence

...and if you won't express your opinion, they will get bigger and better

Sunday, October 31, 2004

a fresh start

Okay !
So I have not been paying attention to my blog since ages. Part of it was intentional and part of it wasn't. Unintentional includes my extra course load, extremely boring assignments and some fun projects. hmm.. so why I stopped writing intentionaly? .. Well.. I was doing nothing here except whining, which I REALLY don't like. I am a hopeful person and I like to spread hope and smiles too. But I don't know somehow, a sleeping whiner started roaring inside me and made me write all "oh..life is bad/boring" stuff. So , you see ! .. Actually I am chirpy and smiling but while writing my blog that demon surrounded me. Worries not!! that bad bad demon is gone ( I hope so) and I am back to myself.:)

I hope , I'll be writing my observations, study , school and friends related issues.But one thing which I have always wanted to discuss was "relationships", and now today I am not sure I want to write at my blog or not. Because relationships are very subjective matter, no one can understand others except the one who are part of the relationship. At times they make me angry, cofuses me, brings a lot of responsibility. but hey.. they are ONE damn good thing which happen to us. The day one seriouly understands the importance of relationships, be it natural, by law, or by understanding; one can cherish them for all along the life. By managing and feeling the realtionships in its fullest depth, enlightens one with one's own potential. Believe me.. you will be surprised to see youself after letting yourself sink in them
So the bottom line is:
I am happy :)
but I have a test tomorrow, so I must study too.
*logs off*


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